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Drink less bottled juice

25.02.2014 | Posted by: Hagara-Nagy Nóra

Juices are mainly come into spotlight at winter when there are only apple, pear and tropical fruits available in the stores. Many people believe that bottled or canned juices are contain all the positive effects of the fresh and ripe fruits. But this is not completely true. 

Avoid instant soups

25.02.2014 | Posted by: Hagara-Nagy Nóra

Although quickly warming up a ready meal can be a life saver in our daily rush, it is worth to turn the packaging over, and take a quick look at what the packet really contains.

Cut down on salt

25.02.2014 | Posted by: Hagara-Nagy Nóra

Excessive salt intake is a big problem today. High amount of salt leads to high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for heart failure and coronary diseases. Excessive salt consumption is more dangerous for the elderly and infants as elevated blood pressure caused by the salt puts more strain on the weak and developing body.

Laugh more

25.02.2014 | Posted by: Hagara-Nagy Nóra

Until the end of the 19th century it was impolite for a woman to laugh loudly in a company as it was considered shameless. Since then we have been smiling on this, furthermore laughter has its own serious marketing, as we can always hear about the positive effects of it.

I will try the 5 Factor Diet

25.02.2014 | Posted by: Hagara-Nagy Nóra

Five meals per day: the idea of 5 Factor Diet

There are only a few popular diets where it doesn’t turn out after a while, that it is actually ineffective or do more harm than good. The creator of the 5 Factor Diet took no risks when he said what was essentially taught in schools:

I will pay attention to have proper sleep (sleep at least 7 hours)

25.02.2014 | Posted by: Hagara-Nagy Nóra

Sleep deprivation has hidden dangers

The body of an adult needs an average daily amount of 7-9 hours of sleep, in order to be able to regenerate and function in a healthy way. The primary signs of sleep deprivation can be the lack of concentration and loss of focus, the slow down of reflexes and decrease of performance, which can even lead to accidents.

I will do some sport every week 3 times for an hour

25.02.2014 | Posted by: Hagara-Nagy Nóra

Sport for our physical and emotional health

The joy of moving is natural in childhood, but in time we often find difficult to squeeze sport into our daily activities.  But sport has many advantages like improving stamina and fitness, raising self-confidence or managing stress.

What kind of activity should we choose for losing weight?

25.02.2014 | Posted by: Hagara-Nagy Nóra

If we are already committed, we just need to find a sport which we can enthusiastically  do for a certain period of time for our benefit. Here are a short list of some popular sports to make the decision easier.

Natural sweeteners: alternatives to sugar

22.04.2013 | Posted by: Hagara-Nagy Nóra

Although it is a well known fact that refined sugar is the most unhealthy type of sugar, most of the people consume it daily in high amounts. We can also notice that if we deliberately  reduce the use of sugar, than we won’t desire for sweet flavours after a short time.

Today we can find more and more alternatives on the market, to substitute the white crystal grains, and put sweet flavours in our food in a natural way. In the following these alternatives are summarised.

Eat even more vegetables

22.04.2013 | Posted by: Hagara-Nagy Nóra

Eat even more vegetables 

Everybody knows that vegetables are healthy. But what can we do, when we don’t fancy the carrot or the cucumber, or when we don’t know what we are supposed to do with a zucchini?

Here are some ideas to address these problems, and we will see, that getting our “5 A DAY” is easy!